It was just a few short years ago that I declared in a post that I was officially done with set collecting. And it was true at the time. I was more than ready to move onto something else, namely player collecting. Not only did that sound like it would be more fun in general, but also seemed like there'd be much less rigidity, and for me, less stress as well. And so it was, at least for a year or two.
I guess it was sometime last year that not only did I start to get a little bored with just collecting certain players, but the old set collecting itch began to, well, itch, again too. I thought initially that I could satiate it by just working on an insert set or two, but apparently that wasn't enough, and before I knew it I was putting the remnants from multiple old set builds, as well as a few new ones, back into binders. I thought that maybe, just maybe, I had finally found the right balance for me; but now here we are on the wrong side of 2023, and I have very little idea what I'm doing, or what I want to do going forward.
Prices continue to increase, and for the first time since the latest boom started, they've begun to affect my ability to purchase things; which I believe in turn, has also begun to affect my interest level.
Conventional wisdom, at least amongst us pedestrian collectors, has held that if one area of interest starts to get too expensive, just pivot to another -- which is all fine and dandy, but I've been pivoting for 3 or 4 years now, and I'm starting to think that I'm done pivoted out. Every time I move, so does everyone else. And it's gotten very old.
The only other option seems to be to just accept that things have changed, and will continue to stay changed for the foreseeable future. Which basically just means eat it and start paying $10 for items that were less than a buck prior to the boom. Or in other words, finally give in to the new normal. Well, I can't do that either. Mentally, I just can't. I don't have the money to collect like that, and even if I did, I don't get joy from overpaying for things.
And I'm not saying that I'm done with cards, yet, but I do know that my interest level in them right now is at about the same level it was back in 1999-00 right before I took a 10-year break from collecting. I guess the good news is though, that even if I did take a break of some kind, I've got tons of old stuff sitting in scan folders, so if I wanted to keep this blog going during said break, I've got more than enough to keep it active for the time being (especially if I keep up this 1-2 post a month thing I've currently got going).
Like I said though, I really don't know what I'm doing right now in terms of collecting, and as far as the first part of this post goes, I'm probably just rambling, as usual. It's probably advisable not to put too much stock into anything I say (ever). And hey, it hasn't been all doom and gloom; there have been a few bright spots in recent months...
The brightest of bright spots in recent months was seeing an unexpected free stuff post show up from Kerry, of
Cards on Cards fame. They've become so infrequent that, honestly, even if I had been late to the party, and not gotten anything, I would've been more than content just knowing that someone else was doing one. As it turned out though, I clearly wasn't the only one who was surprised by Kerry's offering, because despite the post having already been up for a couple of hours before I clicked on it, there was only one card that had been claimed by the time I finally did so.
I ended up claiming five cards, the most important of which, to me, was this 1962 Post Dick Howser (no relation to Doogie). I haven't bought a single sports card since March, so it's been at least that long since I was last able to add a card to my set. It didn't last very long, being only one card and all, but it was fun to have an excuse to break out the Post/Jell-O binder; and even more so to add a new card to it. Heck, I even logged into the TCDB for the first time in many months just so I could mark this card off of the checklist. Apparently this was card #60 towards the 200-card set for me. I thought I was a little further along than that, but I guess 60 is better than 59.

I've really tried to cut back on "just because" cards, but even so, I couldn't resist Orlando here, mostly "just because" I love the old green and yellow A's uniforms. I'm not a big uniform guy, but these might just be my favorite baseball uniforms. I don't know how Orlando feels about them, but after starting the '65 season 0-6, he found himself trading these colors for those of Detroit, where he ended up faring slightly better with a 4-6 record.
I want to say that it was back in January that I re-watched the 1974 World Series on YouTube (and it only took me about a month to do so). While doing so, I thought to myself that it wouldn't be the worst thing ever if I added a few more cards of Dick Green to my life. Fast forward seven months, and I finally added one! He isn't one of the A's players from that era that I collect, but given how important he was to the team (defensively), and how few cards he apparently has, I probably should. Maybe I will start doing so at some point, but for now, being able to get this one will be good enough. I can't really tell what's going on here, but it is a very interesting looking card. In my mind, there's almost no such thing as a bad action card, especially those of the vintage variety.

Every time I've shown a Dave Winfield card in the last year or two, I've mentioned fighting the temptation to collect him. I think that temptation is finally gone. Doesn't mean I won't ever still try to get any of his cards, especially the earlier ones.
I couldn't remember if I had Gerry's "sunset" card or not, and I still haven't looked, but I still wanted this one either way. 1961 was a rough one for Gerry. Despite going 13-8, and being named an All-Star, the year before, age finally started to catch up to him towards the end of that season, and he didn't bounce back in '61. His final season saw him pitching for Chicago, Kansas City, and Detroit, managing just a 2-5 record between the three. He closed out his baseball career with the Portland Beavers, where he was a pitching coach, who also tossed a couple of games (2-4), in 1962; which is the primary reason why I collect him.
Many thanks to Kerry for giving everyone (who saw the post) a chance to pick up some neat cards. The only downside to all of this is that because of my interest in all things cards being so low, I still haven't made an effort to find anything to send in return. I will though, one of these days!
On a final, and unrelated, note: I noticed a new(ish) blog on block a few weeks back, and haven't seen anyone else mention it lately, so I thought I'd try divert a few eyeballs over to
Lajoie's Locker. It's not easy starting up a new blog in 2023, and it's probably even harder to keep a new blog going in 2023; meaning that this fellow could probably use some support. Most bloggers feed on views and comments, especially new bloggers, so if you've got the time, and are inclined to want to do so, maybe you could take a few minutes and go say hi.