Saturday, August 5, 2023

Bad scans from a good trade

I don't know if any of my fellow bloggers can relate to this or not, but sometimes I will scan, or photograph, an item, load it onto my computer, without paying much attention to it's quality, save it to a folder for future use, and then when it comes time to use it; then, and only then, do I finally notice just how poor said saved image was. 

Given my absolute hatred of scanning, I'm a bit surprised that this doesn't happen more often. In the past, I would sometimes go back and try to redo whatever the item was, but again, I hate scanning, and have gotten to the point where I can barely bring myself to do it these days (that's also part of the reason why posting on this blog has slowed down so much). So with that in mind, I not-so-proudly present two poorly scanned cards that made their way East earlier this year, courtesy of a trade with Gavin, resident expert in all things pertaining to Topps Retired Autographs, from Baseball Card Breakdown (and 1991 MusiCards Blog).

Gavin added a trade bait page to his blog a while back, which subsequently saw me reaching out to see if I'd have enough to be able to swing a deal for two of his offerings; and spoiler alert, I did!

Bobby Thomson is a guy that I say I collect, but I'm not sure if my 5-6 cards of him qualify as much of a collection. I only seem to be acquiring about one new card of his about every two years, which doesn't help in building up any kind of real collection. I do, at the very least, now have a really nifty autograph of his though (which isn't speckled btw).
While lacking a bit in the 50's department, my Johnny Podres collection is a bit more respectable. Although once again, this card here represents my lone autograph of his. They're a bit hard to see here, but this card features another nice shot (to go along with his '67 Topps card) of the old barracks at the Dodgers Vero Beach training facility (which I already covered a few years ago).

I've talked about both of these guys multiple times before, so I don't really have a lot more to say about them, or these cards (hence my taking so long to cover this trade. Well, that and the bad scans). I really do dig the cards though, and am thankful to Gavin for the trade.

It wasn't too long after this that another, this time somewhat unexpected, PWE showed up from Gavin; and in that was one of my favorite gets this year...

Gavin had told me that he would make one of his sun-bleached '91 Fleer mods (that were all the rage last Christmas) of Bo for me, and as you can clearly see, he did. He didn't say when though, and I thought that he might not be able to do it until summer, so like I said, I was bit surprised that it showed up so soon. 

I don't keep track of my acquisitions throughout the year, so it's not really possible for me to rank them, say in an end of the year post, but if I did/could make such a list, this would definitely rank in the top 5; possibly even top 3. It's just a really neat card, that brings me a lot of joy to look at. I figured the only place in the Bo binder for this would be next to it's original yellow kin, the only problem is, when I went to do so I found, much to my surprise (and chagrin), that I don't have a copy of the original card. I don't know how that was possible, but it was. It'll pain me to do so, but eventually I'll 'breakdown' and get one of those 20¢ copies from Sportlots. Now, if Gavin could just figure out a way to make a blue-bordered version, I'd have one wicked cool looking row for the Bo binder. As it stands, I'll probably just have to get to copies of the original to go on either side of this one in the binder so that it'll balance out the row/page (that's how my collecting OCD works).


  1. Jon, I have a Bo from that set I could send you. Card #561. Just let me know if you still need it.

    1. Hey, Randy! Thanks for the offer. I still do want two of them, I just don't know if it'd be worth the price of a stamp for you to send one.

    2. I think I have a couple. I'll send them if you want them.

    3. Well, since you're offering, they would be much appreciated. Thank you!

    4. You're welcome. I'd be glad to send them.

  2. Glad you like and thanks for the trade!

    While not as exciting, I also make mod versions of the black '91 Fleer ProVisions (where the yellow text at the bottom is lightened.. big whoop, I know, but it's something).. and I've got a couple Bo's available, if that does anything for ya.

    1. Have you shown those on your blog before? I don't recall seeing one, and am having trouble picturing what that would look like. Would you be able to send a photo of one via email?

  3. I've lost count of how many times I've scanned something, uploaded it to the blog, and then noticed a stray cat hair or something very obviously intruding on the photo. Whether I re-scan it depends on how much energy I have at that given time.

    Cool autos! Johnny Podres is fun to collect - he's a fairly notable baseball name whose cards cost almost nothing.

    1. I think a stray hair might be one of the only things that would make me rescan something at this point. Either that or I just delete it and not use whatever it was in a post.

      His rookie has gone up quite a bit though.

  4. You should start a "I ❤️ Blogging, but Hate Scanning Club". If you do, I'll sign up. As for poor scans... it doesn't happen with me (or at least I don't catch it or notice it). Part of my issue with scanning is that I'm crazy OCD... and need to crop my scans right away and if it doesn't look right, I'll redo it. I miss my original scanner (or maybe it was the software) because it cropped everything for me automatically.

    1. My scanner got itself messed up somehow. The part that does the scanning is no longer perfectly straight, so I'll the scans come out slightly askew; and no amount of cropping can fix them.

  5. A blue-bordered Bo would be fantastic!

    I'd sign up for that "I ❤️ Blogging, but Hate Scanning" club for sure. It has happened a couple times to me, scanning a card for a future post and having to delete and rescan because there's streaks/speckles/eyelashes/etc showing up out of nowhere.

    There's a bit of a milestone in my collection that I want to celebrate on the blog, but I' debating whether or not to "celebrate" by scanning over 200 cards :O

    1. 200 cards? That would be near-impossible task for me at this point. Thinking about it too, I have a hard time imagining myself ever even doing anywhere near 200 scans during the rest of this blog's life -- however much longer that may be. Godspeed if you do decide to go ahead and scan all of those cards :)

  6. I'm too lazy to scan, I don't know how you all do it. In fact, in this day and age of cell phone cameras, I haven't used my scanner for any purpose in years. I just take photos of the cards with my phone.

    How difficult would it be to take another white-washed Bo, and then color in the white areas blue?

    1. The camera on my phone is not good (especially for cards), and even if it was an option, the lighting around here is very conducive for that sort of thing.

      What, with a marker or something? Probably not hard, but if I did it, it would turn out all blotchy; and not be something that I'd ever want to look at.

  7. My MO is to scan, load it into a draft post, only to then forget about it for months.

    1. I stick them in named folders... and then forget about them!

  8. Also I wonder if you could cyanotype the front of a 1991 fleer and use the same mask to expose the blue as you use to bleach the yellow.

    1. Oh, I have no idea. That sounds like the sort of thing that you would know much more about than I.
