Tuesday, September 19, 2023

It's that time of year again

I've made no secret that this blog is basically just limping along at the moment, and unless something drastic happens, it'll probably continue to do so for the time being. My heart isn't in cards or blogging right now, but even so, I still wanted to acknowledge the blog's 8th anniversary; which is today. And as promised a few months back, I also wanted to do something for the folks who are still kind enough to stop by from time to time, i.e. run another small contest.

Just like back in July, this'll be another contest for a $25 gift card, though I'm gonna let the winner pick where they want the gift card to be from this time. Kroger is the best place locally for me to get gift cards, as they have a pretty large selection, which includes all of the usual suspects: eBay, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, as well as a whole bunch of other places that I've never heard of. I'll send the winner a link to the site that lists all of the places so that they can see everything that's available (unless of course the winner just wants a card from one of those four places already mentioned). 

If anyone is interested in entering, just leave a comment below. I'll leave it open for a week, and then, since I'm celebrating 8 years, I'll randomize the list of names 8 times, and whoever lands in the #8 spot will be the winner.

I think that covers everything. Sorry I don't have a more elaborate post for you today; hopefully the contest will make up for that.


  1. Happy Blog Anniversary, and a very good 8 it has been. Nothing wrong with taking a breather. Hopefully the fire will be rekindled at some point.

  2. Jon, happy eight! I enjoy keeping up with your posts whenever you feel like putting them up, and I'm the same way--I just don't have the time or interest to post very often. I still love the trading aspect of blogging, though, so I keep up appearances a bit and show off cards I've received. I hope whatever kind of posting schedule/break you allow yourself helps! (Oh, and thanks for this contest again, very generous of you!)

  3. Happy anniversary, and hope to see you blogging about cards or whatever soon. I always enjoy reading your posts even when they are about completely different topics, here or on your other blogs.

  4. Happy 8th Anniversary! I fully understand the lack of posts, especially when the card collecting is also taking a back seat. Hopefully, both will bounce back with renewed vigor! (In the meantime, you're non-card posts are worthwhile reads too!)

  5. Happy Anniversary!
    I can't imagine writing a blog, so I just read them instead. Thanks to you and several others for providing me that "entertainment".
    Enjoy some time away from the hobby and writing.

  6. Happy 8th! I'm always pleased to have posts to read, so hopefully you'll find that blog magic again. I'm always fired up to write about cards, but I do understand the no time thing (it's why I won't be posting tonight).

  7. Happy Blogversarry!
    Appreciate the chance, and look forward to future posts.

  8. Well done, Jon! Eight years of blogging is a great accomplishment. It's tough to keep the zeal going week in and week out. Enjoy some books, VHS tapes, and thrift shops in the meantime (not to mention any wildlife you come across in the yard), and come back refreshed.

  9. Happy 8th to you! Great job on doing this and I really enjoy the posts you make. I wrote for a racing newspaper for 8 years that was published weekly during the racing season here in Central Minnesota. That's quite different from what you do so I can only partially relate. Congratulations Jon!

  10. Congratulations on 8 years. A remarkable milestone! Even though it's not as often, still enjoy seeing what you have to say. All the best in the future!

  11. Congrats on your blogoversary! Take a break and come back reinvigorated.

  12. Happy Anniversary, Jon! Always enjoy seeing what you have to post, seeing the cards you are collecting, as well as your books and music. Congratulations on 8 years, here's to many more (raises can of soda)!!!

  13. Happy anniversary! I've been taking a break from my (non card related) blog for 2 years. I think I'm almost ready to go back. Nothing wrong with a break!

  14. Do what you gotta do. Though it's a lot easier to come back to an already existing blog that was on hiatus than to start a new one from scratch.

  15. Ehhhh, just blast some buck shot towards the closest neighbor, you'll feel better and then you can write about that. LOL. Happy 8th Jon, may there be many more.

  16. Please leave me out of the drawing since I won your last one, but just wanted to get in on the well-wishing. Hey, looks like you've narrowly posted more often than me for the year so far. I used to feel bad when I hadn't posted in a while, but I'm trying to accept that's dumb to stress over and I just try to get a post out once in a while when it works out.

  17. One has to wonder if you were to predict 8 years ago what would be happening in the card world would you think it be like this. Anyway happy 8 years of blogging I always look forward to new content & contests hopefully I can get close to winning this time lol. I remember getting a box break once back in 2017 lucked out in winning 1 of 2 Autographs sure the player was Tim Wallach but I hope I can get lucky again.

  18. generous as always! congrats on 8 years, regardless of how often you've posted. it's still a feat.

  19. Congrats on 8 years, even if you're not as enthusiastic about it as you once were. I've had highs and lows myself (currently feeling very creative - writing so many posts that I fall behind on reading/commenting!)

    Hope you keep chugging along to 10 years, at least!

  20. A belated happy 8th, my friend! I've had trouble conjuring the blogging juices myself lately, happens to all of us! Always a treat reading your stuff.
