Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Spreading the word... again!

I have been a little under the weather for the last couple of days, because of this I haven't been able to concentrate all that much when it comes to writing a blog post, or posts. So in lieu of the post that was supposed to be, and still isn't, done for today, I will instead try use to my non-existent influence to promote my good friend's new YouTube channel.

I'm sure many of you have already read about it, but just in case you haven't, Oscar, yes he of ATBATT fame, has created a new YouTube channel, NetChucArts. If you're interested in things like baseball cards, art, music, etc., then you should definitely go get yourself subscribed early, that way once Oscar becomes a big-time YouTube star, you'll be able to say that you were there from the beginning... and actually be telling the truth :)

That's about all I got for you today, hopefully I'll have something a little more meaty ready to go in a couple of days.

Thanks for taking a moment to look at my page.


  1. I know that guy! Actually, I briefly met Oscar (and Greg from Plasche Thy Sweater Is Argyle) at a card show in Culver City, CA back in 2013. I don't think he lives too far from me. I subscribed too.

    1. They don't come much better than Oscar, and no, I don't think you two do live very far apart... might be time for another card show meet-up!

  2. Hope you feel better soon, friend!


    1. Thanks, Kin! I certainly do too, a few of these days haven't been particularly fun.

  3. Hope you feel better! Can't believe I didn't now about Stealing Home's blog all these years. Looking forward to reading his posts... and watching more art videos.

    1. I don't know how you didn't either, but as they say, better late than never!

  4. Mr. Pennysleeves, hope you are feeling better now that a few days have passed. I'm all signed up for the Vlog too. Don't underestimate your influence in the community. I know I can't be the only one who appreciates your intelligence, kindness, humor - so forth and so on. ;)

    1. Feeling better? Physically, yes. Mentally, no!

  5. Get well soon and thanks for the recommendation on the new channel. I'll have to check it out. Oscar is the Man!

    1. I hope you do. And since he is my closest friend, I really can't say enough good things about him.
