Wednesday, August 29, 2018

I need fewer hobbies

For someone who generally doesn't like formal trading, I sure have been doing a lot of it lately. Okay, technically I've only been involved in two (with a third possibly in the works), but it sure feels like a lot!

Scott, of I need new hobbies., and I, recently concluded a trade that had been in the works for almost six months. Thanks to me, there was a four-month gap between the beginning, and the end of the trade -- Scott, being the stand up fellow that he is, didn't hold that delay against me.

The above Ron Fairly buyback is what set the trade in motion. It's hard to believe that that one card would lead to such a large trade -- a trade by the way, that would see me ending up with cards from three different sports (gotta love variety).

Near the end of our back and forth, I asked Scott if he had any copies of Warren Moon's 1990 Score Hot Gun card (I'll save the "why" for a future post), he ended up having one, as well as quite a few other Moon's available for trade. The Collector's Edge die-cut and the UD Team Trio were the two that really caught my attention.

"Moon, the moon, the funkin' moon". A small prize to the first person who can identify the song that those lyrics came from.

All of these were extras that Scott ended up throwing in. There is a nice assortment of base, inserts, and parallels.

One more Moon, and a really great Shoeless Joe from the Kramer set.

Now we're starting to get into the meat of the trade. Not only does Billy McCool have a "cool" last name, but his last stop in baseball was spent with the Portland Beavers (1971).

Have you ever seen a card that you don't have so many times, that you start believing that have the card? The '69 Drabowsky just happens to be one of those cards for me, but now I do have it, so...

The bulk of the trade, as far as what I got, ended up being for 1971 Topps.

Even though the scans don't show it, most of these are in really great shape.

In my mind, these three are baseball card perfection! Great action shots, that couldn't be framed any better if you tried. I had seen the Severson many times, but the other two are completely new to me.

It's not often that you'll find somebody that has a '61-62 Fleer for trade, let alone one that features a true Hall of Famer. I still have a few of these from last year's COMC stockpile to get to, but this is the first card from the set that I've gotten this year.

Scott, thank you again for the trade, hopefully we can do it again sometime in the near future.

Thanks for taking a moment to look at my page.


  1. I do that all the time, especially building vintage sets. I keep seeing a card I don't have, but it's never in good enough condition, but when I get down to the last few and it's still there, I'm like "I still need that?"

    1. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one.

  2. One more Moon, and a really great Shoeless Joe from the Kramer set.... Very next picture, there's another Moon. Sorry. Couldn't resist. Had no idea you were a Warren Moon fan. If you have any more Warren wants, let me know. I have tons of 90's football to trade. That's a sweet stack of 71's. Tony Conigliaro has one of the oddest and most tragic careers of any major league player. Massachusetts is a ways away from Tennessee but, either way, no matter how you look at it, We're Far Enough From Heaven....

    1. Good catch, I hadn't even noticed that until you pointed it out.

      And you got the song! It doesn't really matter either way, but I'd be curious to know if you already knew of the song, or if Google was the source of the answer? Whenever you get a chance, send me an email
      j t e f 8 2 at g mail dot com, or a DM via Twitter, so that you can give me an idea of what I should be looking for, and of course where to send it once I find it.

    2. I knew of the song from a Sonos commercial that appeared a few years back. Upon first seeing the commercial and enjoying the music, a Google search gave me all the info I needed. Hadn't heard the song in years and it was basically a forgotten memory until you included some of the lyrics. It got me thinking, "Where have I heard those words before?". Again, with the help of Google, I was able to respond with some of the song title in case others wanted to also play along. There is no need to send me anything. Your blog, which I thoroughly enjoy reading most of what you post, is more than enough of a "prize" for me. I'll still shoot you out an email at some point this weekend.

    3. I must've missed that commercial, I'll have to go try and find it on YouTube. And thank you for the compliment, I don't know if I agree with it or not, but it sure sounds nice :)

  3. Totally agree that the 1971 Topps Spencer, Cox, and Severson cards are baseball card perfection. Great minds think alike. By the way... wouldn't Spencer, Cox, and Severson also make a great 70's rock band name?

    1. That does sound like it could've been a band from the 70's! On the flip side though, it also sounds like it could be the name of a law firm :)
