Thursday, June 20, 2024

Giving BSC a go

I can't remember who it was at this point, but a fellow blogger mentioned (or as the kids call it, BSC) sometime in the last six months or so. I had been unaware of the site prior to his posting about it, but like most collectors, I'm always on the lookout for new places to buy things, so I didn't waste any time checking it out. 

I found the search function to be quite clunky, and not very enjoyable to try and use. And I guess because of that, and the fact that I didn't buy anything right away, my brain did what it's so prone to doing with new things; which is to completely forget about them. And so it went for many months, until just recently when I was typing in a website and the autofill gave me I guess there's something to be said for not ever clearing ones search history.

After re-finding about the site, I decided to give it another go. It was still clunky, well, at least until I figured out that you can use the main search bar when you're on a particular seller to look through their inventory. This improved the sites usability (for me) ten-fold, as I had been trying to search via the crappy filters that are on the side of the screen.

Now that I knew what was what, I promptly found seller, The Set Builder, who had a couple things that I wanted, which were also very reasonably priced, so, I figured I might as well put in a small order and see how things went. I'm pleased to say that they went quite well, and that this was the first of what I'm sure will be many future orders.
The site seems to be similar to Sportlots, in that a lot of the items don't have photos (they have stock photos instead), though certain sellers have actual photos for their listings. The guy that I bought from was one of those. 

My order consisted of just six cards (I figured a smaller order would be best to test the waters with), which can be easily be broken down into a pair of trios. First up is three from the '69 Topps football set, highlighted by a new to me Papa Nerf. I could've swore that I had that particular card already, but apparently I didn't. Now I do.

Unlike Fred, my knowledge of Johnny Robinson and Tom Sestak is quite limited, but, and no offense to either, they were gotten strictly for what was printed on the backside of their cards...

Not the most exciting pieces of Fran Tarkenton's puzzle, but I believe that these two bring me to now having 6 of the 10 pieces. That's 60% completed for all of the mathologists out there. It's worth noting too that these two pieces combined for less than 90¢. They would've been over $4 had I purchased them from COMC.

My other trio was made up of three more copies of Carlos Brown/Alan Autry/Bubba's lone football card. These three cards are why I ended up choosing this seller. Given their price (less than $2 for a NM and two VG's), I would've bought these alone had there not been anything else of interest to me; so the 69's were just an extra added bonus. I haven't looked yet, but I'm pretty sure that I'm up to 8 copies of this card now. My original goal was to fill a page, but at this point I don't think that I'm gonna be able to stop with just one more copy. I wish I knew why older me enjoys seeing multiple pages of the same card so much, as it's the polar opposite of how my younger self collected.

The total for my order was five-something, $1.35 of which was for shipping. Not bad for six vintage cards in relatively decent shape.


  1. Thanks for the tip on BSC! I might have to check it out. As for multiple pages of the same card, I think I see where you're coming from.

    1. You do? Then maybe you can explain it to me someday :)

  2. the multiples turned me off a while back.

  3. The site using the terrible adjective "raw" to describe non-encased cards is something I'd have to get past. Prices seem good though.

    1. I see that so often now that I think I've just become oblivious to it.

  4. I don't think I've seen anyone else mention that site before. if I did see the same post as you I forgot all about it. Might have to give it a try. Those '69 singles look sharp!

  5. Fred Cox, one of my all-time favorite Vikings. He was a special speaker at the summer camp I went to. He was there the week after I went! I have been selling on BSC for a while now. My seller ID is RJSCards. I joined because I was looking for another outlet to sell other than eBay. I don't want to start a store and I use the 250 free listings per month only. I wish they would increase that number. It's just a fun hobby for me, not a money-making proposition at all.

    1. He seems to have been very good people. Hopefully you're doing well with your sales. I sell on eBay. It's time consuming, to say the least, but's it's gone fairly well for me; so far.

  6. Might have to check this site out. I think I went on there once but didn't give it much time. I think Dillard's Dugout might be the blog where I first heard about the site.

    1. Now that you mention it, I'm pretty sure now that that's where I heard about it too.

  7. I love the logos in that set. So many are unfamiliar now.

    1. They were considerably more interesting back then.

  8. If you can figure out how to navigate it, BSC isn't too bad. I started selling on there about a year and a half ago. I'm not getting rich, but have moved some cards that I didn't need.

    1. That's what it's all about, especially if you can then turn around and spend that money from your unwanted cards on things that you do actually want.

  9. Thanks for sharing BSC. I wasn't familiar with the site until now. I've been placing a bunch of orders on Sportlots lately, but I'll definitely check out BSC when I'm officially on break.
