Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Bo, Joe, and more Bo

I've been rethinking my player collections in recent months, namely whether or not I really need so many different ones? And also, if a few choice cards for certain players might work better than just trying to accumulate as many of said players as possible?

I've come to the conclusion the answer to the first question is, no, I don't think I need to be collecting so many different guys at this point. I'm slowly finding that I've lost complete interest in collecting some of the people that I have been, and have started removing their cards from binders. It's been nice in that, not only is freeing up binder space, but also is helping reduce my overall collection; which I had started to think was getting near unmanageable (for me).

As for the latter question, I believe that for certain people, going forward, a few choice cards will be sufficient enough to represent my fandom and/or appreciation of what they've accomplished. The more I think about it, the more I like this idea. To some degree, I already started doing this last year, namely for Ichiro and Mike Alstott; though, that was primarily because I realized that I really don't like the look of most of their cards. I don't know what it is about those two, but they both seem to have an awful lot of cards from sets whose designs I find to be atrocious. After whittling out all of the ugly cards, I was left with like three for Mike, and maybe 15 or so for Ichiro. A more recent example would be, Bill Walton. I can't remember why I was doing so exactly, but less than a week before his passing I found myself going through my collection of his. My favorite cards of his are from his playing days, and those are all in either, completed sets, or set-builds. Not counting those, my collection of his, such as it was, consisted of just a couple of autographs, and some, to be frank, rather ugly modern Panini cards. It took just a few seconds for me to decided that I just wanted to keep the autographs, and ditch all of the other shiny shit. It's funny too, because I got to thinking how neat it would be to have a whole page of autographs from him, and then what happens, he goes and leaves us just a few days later. I don't know if that page idea will still be doable, if it is, I'll probably have to wait awhile before the prices come back down.

With a lot of my player collections now in flux, I decided to take down that page from the blog until I get everything sorted out (it wasn't getting much traction anyway). As it stands, I can think of about a dozen players that will be safe from the coming purge, two of whom just so happen to be featured in today's post.

I was fortunate enough to get a few cards from, Jim, he from the now daily, cards as i see them, earlier this year. The envelope consisted of four cards, two of which were the post playing days Bo's that have been seen thus far. As I told Jim before he sent these, I rarely by modern Bo's (as there's still more than enough from his playing days that I don't have), but I'll gladly accept them if they're being sent to me. Both of these were new to me.

The Bo's were nice enough, but they can't compete with this pair of Joe Rudi's. It looks so strange to see him as a Red Sock. It was probably even weirder for fans at the time. I've mentioned before how neat I think it was that all three of the card companies gave him a final card in 1983, but Topps did him pretty good the year before as well, giving him a card in the base set as a Sock, and another in the Traded set as an Athletic. I already had the base card, so it was to get the Traded one to go with it.

Many thanks to Jim for the cards!

There was a seller on eBay earlier this year that did a "set break" of MSA Holiday Inn discs. The bidding on all of them started at 99¢ with free shipping, and from what I saw, most of them ended at that same price; including Joe.

I probably should've gotten a few other players, but my heart wasn't really in it at the time.

My last COMC shipment had a few Rudi's in there as well. Both of these were got during the Black Friday sale. My interest in autographs has been waning pretty hard, but for five bucks I couldn't pass on this particular one. I think this was either my fourth or fifth autograph of Joe. The buyback was a cheap last minute purchase. It wasn't needed, but obviously I got it anyway. This was my second buyback of his.

This card represents the first Fleer Sticker that I've ever owned. I really like this look of this set and could see myself collecting it someday. I think it's safe to say that this is one set that will never be affected by the boom, so I will not be looking to add anymore stickers to my collection until I'm ready to start working on it. 

I noticed a few months ago that a seller on Sportlots had three copies of Bo's Cyberstats for 20¢ each. As you can tell, I bought all three. The Joe Rudi Sticker came from this seller as well. Knowing how poorly these scan, I tried to get the effect to pop more via a photograph; which didn't really turn out all that well either. I had zero copies of this card prior to the purchase, and now that I have three, I'd kind of like go for a full page's worth.

Artist and custom card maker extraordinaire, Gavin, who of course, also helms Baseball Card Breakdown, sent out some of his creations to a few folks earlier this year, ostensibly in thanks for supporting his MusiCards blog. I was fortunate enough to have been included. I don't really like the idea of getting things just for commenting on a blog, as I'm of the opinion that folks should be doing that whenever they can anyway (if you can spend your whole day commenting on every single thing that comes across your Twitter feed, I see no reason why you can't do the same for a few blogs here and there), so instead, I prefer to think that these two cards were sent to me for no other reason other than that Gavin thought I would enjoy them. And he was right, I did.

It took me longer than it should've to realize that the Bowman Bo had been arted up. The background looked so natural that I didn't even notice it right away. I initially thought that I had been sent just a regular Bowman to keep the other custom company. Obviously that wasn't the case. It's artiness is more subdued than a lot of Gavin's other cards, but I think it works really well on this card.

The Score (blue superfractor?) appeared in one of Gavin's posts quite awhile ago, and was much coveted by me. At the time, I thought about inquiring as to it's price, but figured he'd be able to get more for it on the eBay than he would from me, so I held off on sending the inquiry. Fast forward a bunch of months and look what showed up in the mail, my much coveted Bo! I really appreciate Gavin sending this one, not only because of how cool it looks, but also because I know that he could've easily sold this one for a decent sum.

Being a pretend artist myself, I can really appreciate how much effort that Gavin puts into his customs, and am always grateful for the opportunity to add a few more to my collection.


  1. I never knew there were Holiday Inn discs. Cool oddball!

  2. I hadn't seen those either so I'll echo Bo's sentiments! Also, I'm a big fan of the Topps Retired Signatures, so your Rudi is very cool. And Gavin's customs always look awesome so I'm glad to see them going to folks who'll appreciate them.

  3. I certainly understand the PURGING of some PC guys (Lord knows I need to cull literally a ton).

    1. I'm glad I don't have to go through all of your players.

  4. Glad you like the cardart and thanks for the kind words! Yeah, I suppose I just wanted an excuse to send the '91 Score Bo, knowing it'd be a hit with you. (I still intend to send out "thanks for 2023" to some other buds who comment on the MusiCards blog and here we are halfway thru 2024! Only you and Fuji had "ooh, I know what I can send him!" cards ready to go.) And the Bowman "nighttime snow" (?) was a bonus along for the ride, basically as fancy scratch paper for the "here ya go" note on the back.

    1. Given how quickly time seems to pass now, I can completely understand how it is that you be behind with your mailings. I would have to think that everyone else on your list will understand as well.

  5. The backs are the most interesting part of those 70's discs.

    1. Definitely. They are what makes them worth collecting.

  6. I've got a few guys in my " Favorite Players" binder, that either stopped playing prematurely due to drop off or injuries , that I'll be removing at some point. Kendry Morales, Grady Sizemore, Andre Ethier, AJ Pollock etc.

    1. I can't really say why I've lost interest in certain guys and not others. I just have.

  7. I just added the Holiday Inn disc of The Penguin! It wasn't cheap.

    1. I probably should've alerted folks to those listings via the blog, but again, my heart just wasn't in it at the time.

  8. Downsizing or scaling back on player collections certainly seems sane and rational, but I can never quite bring myself to actually do it. If anything, I find myself adding more guys to my binders these days.

    1. Well, if that sort of collecting is still bringing you lots of joy, then I don't see why you'd not want to keep doing it.

  9. Whoa. Gonna +1 on the just finding out about Holiday Inn MSAs

    1. I was under the impression that they were one of the more common ones.

  10. A. I cleaned out some of my binders either last year or the year before. My problem is I have too many cards I want to collect and not enough space to store them (in binders at least).

    B. Joe Rudi returned to the A's in 1982? I can't believe I didn't know that. That was an era when I followed baseball very closely... as well as attended several A's games each season. This is a total surprise.

    C. Gavin's custom superfractor cards are awesome! I have my Rickey on display in my office, so I see it whenever I'm in there.

    1. My card interests seem to be shrinking, one benefit of which has been new space being freed up.

      And maybe you did know and just forgot? It does happen.

  11. Gavin does such a great job.

    I need to do a player purge as well and narrow my players down

    1. I suspect that a lot of people could do with a purge, they just either aren't ready to admit it, or aren't ready to take it on.

  12. Now I want to know who the dozen survivors are.

    1. Half of them are former Blazers. Then there's Reggie Roby, Dennis Smith, Joe Rudi, Bo Jackson, and a couple more that I can't think of off the top of my head.

  13. (1) I'm not a player collector myself, so I definitely understand the idea of owning just a few representative cards of a player and leaving it at that -- especially if those few cards have great subject matter.
    (2) Why not go for that 1981 Fleer Star Sticker set? Even at a big 128 cards total, it's probably very affordable, like you mentioned.
    (3) Great art cards from Gavin!

    1. I feel like I have too many other sets going right now to be able to focus on another. I'll probably feel different about it once I get few others completed.
