Now I say "was" because I just had to go and make my most expensive purchase of the year on eBay last night, which means that today I will have to list a couple of items for sale - items that I know will sell quickly - that way I will be able to pay for said expensive item when the credit card bill comes. It'll probably be a while before this item makes it into a blog post, but in the meantime I'm sure that there will be few people out there who are curious to know about what was gotten, so without spoiling too much, I will just say that it's from an Age when things were Golden :)
So anyways, expensive item aside, I haven't been buying very much this year, especially from eBay. But not "buying very much" isn't "haven't bought anything", so, minus the Goodwill purchases, I thought I'd do a little catching up and just toss everything from the last five months into a single post!
About a month ago there was a card on eBay that I kind of wanted quite a bit. As is the case with most sellers that have an auction item that I'm interested in, I went ahead and looked at the rest of their items to see if the shipping could be reduced by buying more, this lot of Ichiro 2012 Chrome orange refractors sort of caught my eye, the only bad thing was that it was ending three minutes before the thing I really wanted. In general, I prefer it when secondary items are ending after the main item, just in case I don't get that main item. Even though I don't like to do so, I bid on, and won, this lot, the bad news... I didn't win the much desired card! Had these been ending after the loss, I probably wouldn't have bid on them (even though I'm now sort of hoarding cards with this image on them), but that's not how things worked out, and I got them. At $3.25 for the pair, I guess it didn't turn out that bad, as I would've got them on COMC if I had seen them at around $1.60 apiece -- if I'm sounding negative at all, it's probably just because I'm still slightly bummed about not getting that main card.
My mom and I have been ordering from the Edward R. Hamilton catalog for over, geez, twenty years now (how has it been that long?). In the days before they had a website, we would do a couple of orders per year, now it seems like it's just one, or maybe two a year. Usually it's just one of us finding a few things and then asking the other if they want to get in on the order, and so it was last month when my mom let me know that she was going to be getting a few things, and was I interested in anything. I used to buy a ton of books from the catalogs, but I don't know if it's just that their selection isn't as good as it used to be, or if the amount of good books being published has gone down in the last twenty years, but either way, I just don't get very many books from them anymore -- mostly just DVD's these days. So, with this order of hers, I only ended up getting a CD this time, albeit a pretty awesome 3-disc compilation. This is a pretty solid album for just $5.95, I mean there is a few songs that you'll find on just about any 80's compilation, but for the most part, it's stuff that you don't usually see on these kinds of albums, definitely some deeper cuts on this one, a few of which were new to me.
It wasn't my intention to do so, but I ended up selling a few cards on the Twitter, the money from that sale was then used to get this 2018 Classics Eric Dickerson orange Optichrome (#'d 14/15). Not a bad trade in my book, sell four cards that I don't want, and get one that I do.
As some of you undoubtedly know, eBay just recently had another one of those get $3 off when you spend more than $3.01 coupons, and I used mine to finally see/get Be Kind Rewind. I feel like I've been trying to see this movie for years now, I have found used copies at various places during that time, but there's always something wrong with the disc (scratches, food residue, etc.), so I decided to take advantage of the coupon and finally get it, which I did for exactly $0.61 after the discount. As for the film itself, I knew going in that it had some flaws, but overall it was still a solid movie, there were plenty of laughs to be had, heck, the "remaking" of Ghostbusters was worth the 61 cents alone.
While I was looking to use that $3 off coupon, I came across this TV Guide from October of 1960. The price with shipping was $3.28, so I could've used the coupon it, but the DVD would garner more savings so I used it on that, and then just went ahead bought this separately. This issue is probably going to get it's own post at some point, so I'm not discuss it too much today, but the one thing that I wanted to point out...
... is that it was a Portland copy, meaning it's got local listings, which is what I always look for when buying older TV Guide's/TV Host's. Kind of interesting too that this came from a seller in MA, Arthur was a long way from home!
I forgot to add this purchase to last weeks Progressions post. I make no claims as to being a Derrick rose fan, but I still couldn't pass up half a rainbow for $4.
Another movie that I've sort of been wanting to see for awhile now, so being able to find it one of the $3.79 bins at Walmart wasn't too shabby. I still haven't watched it, so I can't yea or nay it yet.
I just recently talked about going for a full page of Robert Parish Super Star's, and this just another cheap addition for that pursuit.
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Yours truly makes a slightly distorted first appearance on the blog, and in a shark's mouth no less :) |
Back to Walmart for this one, this time from the $5 DVD bin. The jury's still out as to whether or not this was a good buy or not, as I've only watched two of the movies so far, Malibu Shark Attack (bad, but had it's moments, and was still watchable), and Shark in Venice (terrible, couldn't even make it halfway through, somehow Stephen Baldwin's acting is getting even worse with age). I'd say that if two of the remaining six are watchable, then it won't have been a bad get.
More Ichiro! And another Trading Card History refractor to boot! This is my third one now, I kind of like to get a page of these as well. I absolutely love these, but it does bug the crap out of me that no matter how hard I try, I cannot seem to capture the rainbow effect via camera or scanner.
I went from January to the middle of March (roughly) without buying anything on eBay, apparently this was too much for eBay to handle, because I got an email from them saying that they missed me, and was given a coupon for $5 off if I spent $10.01 or more, which was nice, but it really did read like "we miss your money and here's something to encourage you to give us some of that missed money". I guess it worked though, because I obliged and bought a couple of TV Host's from the 90's, Portland editions again.
For me, depression and nostalgia go hand-in-hand, I am unable to experience one without the other, so I've been plagued by both for pretty much all of this year. One of the things that I'm almost always nostalgic for is Cable television from the 80's and 90's, especially since cable and satellite suck so much now, and don't even get me started on that streaming nonsense. If you lived an area that had Paragon cable (oh Paragon, why did you have to go away?), than you most likely had TV Host's as well, and boy do I miss those weekly listings. I couldn't get the whole page, but you can see how great these were from the above photo. This partial 3 1/2 hour window from 1996 (in the first photo it's from the issue that features the premiere of Millennium!!!!!) has more to offer than a day's worth of cable/satellite programming now. These too will eventually be getting their own post, so I'll just say that before last night's item, these had been my most expensive purchase of the year, and at $15 that isn't saying much -- like I said, I just haven't been interested in too much as of late.
Thanks for taking a moment to look at my page.
Some interesting purchases. I may have to research some of the songs on your CD. There are a bunch that I don't recognize or remember.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed the Kingsman movie. Hope you like it.
I would highly recommend this CD, so if it looks like it might be interesting, by all means do that research... and then go get it!
DeleteI hope so too, I generally don't buy movies that I think I'm not gonna like.
That's such a great 80's cd. Lots of great songs and even a few that had me scratching my head attempting to recall if I'd heard the song(s). 99 Luft Balloons is one of my most favorite songs from that era. As odd as that may sound now that I reread what I just typed.
ReplyDeleteTwitter trades and sales are a great way to add cards to the personal collection and eradicate those unwanted collectibles from your home.
I have some old tv guides stashed around here somewhere. I'll see if I can find them. From Massachusetts? Interesting. Is tv guide still a thing? Did we already have this discussion?
It really is great, and for the most part, it's fairly unique as far as 80's compilations go. A lot of folks like that song, that's why it's on pretty much every single 80's compilation -- and for the record (pun?), this album has the German version on it.
DeleteSo it would seem, I might start looking into selling more on Twitter, as my first sale did go pretty smoothly.
Old TV Guides????? Yep, MA! Dedham, MA to be exact... I'm assuming that you've heard of it :)
I think we have discussed whether or not TV Guide is still a thing before, but I don't remember the particulars. I don't know if it is still around or not, I couldn't imagine that it would be though, especially since no one seems to have cable or satellite anymore.
Jon, you always manage to pick yourself up when depressed. It can't be easy for you. You are a great encouragement to others when they're going through their own rough patch. Now, about the Golden Age know I'm looking forward to this one! Lindsay Wagner will be my next pursuit but that is way down the road. So any hints? A year? I've bookmarked Hamilton to peruse one day. Always looking for good books!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't know about that, some days are awfully tough, but I'm still here, so that's something. Lindsay Wagner is still on my to get list as well, her cards usually sell in the $15-20 range, but I keep hoping that one day I'll be able to get one for less. Hints? Uh, okay, how about this... it's from the 2014 set! You can also get on their mailing list, and get free catalogs sent, that's how I've always done it.
DeleteNice Ichiros. And I totally wanna watch Be Kind Rewind. I'm a big fan of Mos Def's music. Can't wait to see this purchase of yours. If it's a Golden Age card... I'm bound to love it as well.
ReplyDeleteThe setup is a little weak, but if you can look past that, I think you'd like it. I dig Mos' music too, and he's proven to be a solid actor as well, although Jack Black is kind of the star of this movie.
DeleteNo digital listing can beat the feeling of holding a paper guide in your hands and flipping through the pages. Nice pickups.
ReplyDeleteTruer words were never spoken!
DeleteI’m surprised companies don’t do more of those retro Japanese menko cards. Nice looking Ichiro!
ReplyDeleteDon't give 'em any ideas, they'll take a great idea and just run it in to the ground.
DeleteI love the two digit zip code on the old TV guide.
ReplyDeleteAnd I love that you noticed that :)
DeleteCool purchases. I will have to check out Be Kind, Rewind as it sounds like a movie I would enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI love those bad shark movies. Ive actually seen Toxic Shark. Good luck watching them all.
The cards are nice too btw.
If it sounds good, than you should definitely try and give it a watch, there's lot of funny to be had.
DeleteI've an affinity for the crappy shark movies as well, they rarely disappoint, at least as long as you go into them expecting absolutely nothing.